Understanding Developmental Stages (1)

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Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. It’s normal for a child to progress quickly in one area but be slower in another, like speech. If a child doesn’t reach a milestone, it could be a sign of delay. It’s best to have the child checked by a doctor, but most kids catch up with a little help.

Imagine a train with different parts representing a child’s development areas: physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language. To keep the train moving smoothly, all parts need to be connected well. If the connections loosen, some parts may fall behind or have problems.

If we think of a child as a train and different areas of development as wagons, we should support the child in reaching their full potential. If a child is significantly behind in any area, early intervention is important. Developmental milestones are things most children do by a certain age, but some children may reach them sooner or later, which is normal. If you have concerns about your child’s development, talk to a doctor. Avoid fear and panic, and keep an eye on your child for any signs of delay.

Child development during the age stage (from birth – 12 months)

Infant brains are like sponges in their ability to absorb their surroundings, as a newborn baby learns about the world around him/her using all his/her senses starting from touch, taste, and feeling, up to sight and hearing.Brain connections develop with each new experience; for this reason, young children feel and taste what is around them and look toward sounds for new motivators.Routine is an important means of learning.

Babies learn by imitating their surroundings, including physical movements like waving hands, clapping, talking, or singing. Listening to sounds and looking at things help develop their language.

It should be noted that infants often explore things by putting them in their mouths, so children must be given clean, non-sharp, and large objects to prevent them from swallowing or choking on these objects.

Child development during the age (from birth – 12 months)

Developmental progression field:

Physical-Motor Development

Important developmental milestones:

  • Head and neck control
  • Rolling from side to side.

How can parents benefit from games to promote developmental growth?

  • Objects of different sizes, colors, and shapes encourage the child to try to reach and grasp them. Fixed pieces of furniture, balls, toys, or boxes help the child to crawl or stand up and walk.
  • “Tummy time” and “floor playing ” help develop movement control by strengthening the head, neck, and body muscles, also allowing the child to see and experience the world from a different perspective, but the child should always be supervised when placed on his/her tummy.

Developmental progression field:

Cognitive development (including language)

Important developmental milestones:

  • Make sounds like cooing.
  • Turning towards sounds and tracking movement with the eyes
  • Express boredom by crying or fussing if the activity does not change.

How can parents benefit from games to promote developmental growth?

  • Music and songs, or gently tapping on a baby’s belly while singing or humming, or containers filled with different things: these activities help develop hearing and movement.
  • The best toy for babies is “you”! Just by looking at your face and hearing your voice, babies start playing, especially when you smile at them.

Developmental progression field:

Social/emotional development

Important developmental milestones:

  • Begins to smile at people.
  • Can calm himself for a short period (sucking his thumb).
  • Looks at his mother and father.

How can parents benefit from games to promote developmental growth?

The best toy for babies is “you”! Just by looking at your face and hearing your voice, babies start playing, especially when you smile at them.

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